The Engineer who successfully builds their STARSHIP first wins the game. To achieve this, you must:
- Collect all 8 Rocket Components.
- Collect all 9 Resources (fuels and systems).
- Arrive at the Launch Pad.
- Roll the Test Die and get GREEN to pass the launch test (unless you possess a card that guarantees a successful launch or the ChopSticks).
Alternatively, the game can be timed. If the timer ends, the winner is the Engineer with the most collected components and resources.
Before Play Begins
- Choose Your STARSHIP Playing Piece: Select from 8 available colors.
- Choose Your Engineer Role: Pick from 6 roles.
- Identify Your Workspace: Based on your Engineer role, assign your workspace: Research Center – Workshop – Launch Pad
How to Play
- Starting the Game
- The youngest Engineer goes first.
- Taking Your Turn
- Pop the Dice to determine your movement.
- Move clockwise around the board by the number of spaces rolled.
- Follow the rules for the space you land on:
- Space Center Location: Take a token matching the space center’s color. You can save this token for later or use it immediately.
- Planet or Celestial Body: Spin the spinner and draw a Race to Space Card matching the spin. Follow the instructions on the card.
- Track your progress:
- Record collected RESOURCE Cards in your Engineer Notebook and display them.
- Record collected ROCKET COMPONENT Cards in your Engineer Notebook and display them.
- Use any Tokens you’ve collected during your turn.
- Tokens come in RED, ORANGE, and PURPLE, with each offering unique benefits:
- EXCHANGE: Use a token to exchange a Race to Space card from a location for a new card from the matching color bin.
- TRADE: Trade a token with another Engineer to swap Race to Space cards (both parties must agree to the trade).
- TEST: If the token corresponds to your Workspace, you may request a test of another player’s component (see testing rules below).
- YELLOW Tokens: These tokens allow you to exchange for any card of your choice from any card bin.
Testing Components
- Roll the Test Cube:
- GREEN (Pass): The player keeps their component.
- RED (Fail): The player must return the component to the bottom of the card pile.
Landing on an Occupied Space
If you land on a space already occupied by another Engineer: it is called a Cosmic Collision: You Move to your Workspace BUT you DO NOT collect a Token.
If you POP a double (roll two of the same number):
- Move the rolled number of spaces as usual.
- Spin the spinner to draw a Race to Space card.
- Take possession of the ChopSticks (see ChopSticks rules below).
When you take possession of the ChopSticks (by popping a double), you gain special abilities:
- Automatic Test Success: The ChopSticks allow you to pass any test automatically.
- Launch Assistance: If you attempt a lift-off, the ChopSticks ensure a successful launch without needing to roll the Test Cube.
- Trade Blocker: The ChopSticks allow you to refuse any trade request (unless you choose to accept).
- Speed Boost: The ChopSticks allows you to DOUBLE your POP roll and move double the spaces (if you want to).
Passing the ChopSticks: If another player pops a double, you must pass the ChopSticks to them.
You’re the Expert Engineer
If a player lands on your Workspace (and it is not their Workspace), you may TEST one of their components:
- Select one of their components to test.
- Have the player roll the Test Cube:
- GREEN (Pass): They keep the component.
- RED (Fail): They must return the component to the bottom of the card pile.
Winning the Game
The first Engineer to:
- Collect all 8 Rocket Components and 9 Resources.
- Reach the Launch Pad.
- Successfully roll GREEN on the Test Die (or possess a successful launch card or the ChopSticks).
Alternatively, in a timed game, the Engineer with the most components and resources when the timer ends is the winner.